In This Article

Overview: What Are the Different LISA Admin User Roles?

To help you provide the right level of LISA platform access to your entire team, there are 6 different user roles from which you can choose. 

You'll set a user's role whenever you add the user to your company's LISA platform. Not sure how to do that? Learn how to add a new user here

This article will explain what each user role does, so you can choose the right one for each of your staff members. Keep in mind that these roles are not mutually exclusive, so you'll be able to grant more than one role per user if that suits your business needs.


The Representative role has access to the Activity section only—and can only view contacts that have been assigned to them.

This gives Representatives the ability to communicate with specific leads without being able to see everything in the LISA platform or the entire Contact Manager. (Learn how to assign a contact to a Representative.)

For Reps, some of the most frequently used features in the Activity section include the following:

Taking certain actions in the LISA platform will require a user to be a Representative. For example, you can only set appointments with users who are Representatives.

Additional Info When Adding a Representative

When setting up rep access, you'll be required to complete a few additional fields, as shown below.

Representative's View 

If a user only has the Representative role, then their view of the LISA platform will appear like this. Get more information in our Rep overview article.


The Auditor role has access to auditing reports only. This includes a list of phone calls where you can:

  • Filter by name, date, status, and more
  • View the lead source
  • Listen to a recording of the call, where applicable
  • Categorize the call result as lead, wrong number, etc.

Auditor's View

If the user only has the Auditor role, then their view of the LISA platform will look like this.

Content Manager

The Content Manager role provides access to website pages, blog posts, and offers. This user role allows you to:

  • Create and publish new site pages
  • Create and publish new blog posts
  • Save blog posts as drafts or schedule for later publishing
  • Create offers that display on the home page, forms, or individual pages

Only users marked with the Content Manager role will be able to create new website pages. Even a user with the Administrator role must also be marked as a Content Manager in order to edit and add new pages.

Additional Info When Adding a Content Manager

When adding a Content Manager, you'll be required to include this additional information. The name, image, and bio may appear under blog posts published by this user. 

Content Manager's View

If a user only has the Content Manager role, then their view of the LISA platform will look like this.


The generic User role is basically a combination of the Representative, Auditor, and Content Manager with a few additional features. (The only key feature missing here from the Content Manager role is the ability to publish new site pages.)

In addition to the Phone Audits, Activity, and Blogs (all described in the roles above), this role has access to On-Site Reviews and Past Projects. From these tabs, a User can:

User's View

A user who only has the User role will have a LISA platform dashboard that looks like this.


Like the name suggests, the Administrator role has access to all features within the LISA platform. In addition to the features and functions described above (such as reviews), key actions reserved for Administrators include:

Keep in mind that in order to do add and publish new website pages (pages, not blog posts), an Administrator must give themselves the Content Manager role as well.

Administrator's View

The Administrator view of the LISA platform is the most robust of all, looking like this.


The Recruiter role is assigned to those within your company that are assisting with screening, interviewing, and hiring job candidates. This role allows access to the Careers section of the admin only.

From here, the Recruiter can:

  • Create a new job post
  • Review currently active job posts
  • View applications from candidates

​​Recruiter's View

The recruiter view is limited to the dashboard shown below:

Learn more about LISA Admin Users in the following resources: