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Tips for Searching and Filtering the Activity Page

The Activities tab, located in the Activity Manager, is your central hub for tracking engagement with leads and customers through the Spectrum platform. Get essential tips on searching, filtering, and navigating this page below.

Different Activity Types Display Different Data

The columns of data displayed on the Activities tab will change according to the type of activity you have selected from the Filter options. If you choose all activities, then the columns will display as shown in the screenshot below.

However, as soon as you select a new activity from Activity Type in the filter, the columns will update accordingly.

For instance, choosing "Quote" as your activity will cause a new "Product" column to populate.

Each activity type has its own columns to display, chosen based on what is most helpful to know at a glance for that type of activity.

Each Activity Gets Its Own Entry

The Activity page is unique in that it classifies each activity as its own row. For that reason, the same customer may appear multiple times in the list.

For example, all of the activities in the screenshot below belong to the same customer; however, each individual activity—including a message, an appointment, and contact status changes—has been given its own separate entry.

This is different from the Contacts tab, where each customer is given their own row (rather than each activity). Get more tips on navigating the Contacts tab here.

Please note that you can click on any activity from the list to view that contact's full Activity Timeline.

The Search Bar Searches Your Current Filters

Regardless of whether you search generally or specifically, it is important to keep in mind that the search bar only applies to your currently selected filters. If you do not get the search results you expect, double-check which filters are selected.

Clear a Filter by Clicking the X

To clear a filter, simply click the selected filter within the filter options to remove it from the results. 


Click the Column Title to Sort

Clicking any column title will sort the data in ascending order according to that column. 

By using these tips to narrow down your list of contacts on the Activity page, you'll be able to:

  • Get a quick summary of different types of lead activity
  • Click on any contact to take further action
  • Download a list of contacts based on your current filters