In This Article

Who Can Manage Reviews in the LISA Admin?

To manage reviews in the LISA platform (including publishing, replying, and archiving), you'll need access to the Reviews section.

Located under Reviews, the reviews features (Off-Site Reviews, On-Site Reviews, Review Incentives, SMS Reviews) are accessible to LISA admin users with the following roles:

  • Administrators
  • Users
  • Representatives*

*Representatives have access to the Contact Manager, which means that they can request reviews through the LISA admin—but only for contacts that are assigned to them. Reps cannot see the full Reviews section.

Learn more about the various LISA platform roles and how to add a new user. Keep in mind that users may have multiple roles, allowing you to set the permissions that are best for your company.

Did you know? You do not have to grant your team LISA admin access in order to give them the ability to request reviews from your customers. Anyone can request a review by SMS through the frontend of your website.