Whenever a customer submits a review through your LISA platform, several things will happen automatically—regardless of whether the review comes in as a result of an email request, an SMS request, or a customer submitting a review of their own accord on your Reviews page.
Learn more below.
1. Your Team Gets Notified
Your team members will receive an automated email and/or SMS notification informing you of the new review. The email notification might look something like the one below.
You have complete control over this company notification email through the Notifications section of the LISA admin. Follow the links below to learn how to adjust each setting:
- Who on your team receives the email (under Settings > Notifications > Routing)
- What the email says (under Settings > Notifications > Email Templates)
- Whether you send the same email for every review or different company emails based on different star ratings
2. Customer Receives a Thank You Message
Just like your team gets automatically notified, so does the customer. The email that the customer receives might look something like the one below.
Again, you have complete control over this automated customer email notification within the LISA platform section for Notifications. You can adjust:
- What the email says (usually some form of "thank you" with suggested next steps)
- Whether you send the same email for every review or different customer emails based on different star ratings
- Which email address appears as the sender in the email*
*Please ask your Spectrum Client Manager if you'd like to change this email address.
3. Review Goes to the New Reviews Page
In addition to the automated company and customer notifications, the review will be placed into the New Reviews page of the LISA admin (located under Reviews > On-Site Reviews).
From this page, you can:
- View the full Review Details to post a reply, send an incentive, and/or request an external review
- Publish the review on your website
- Archive the review
For more information on reviews in the LISA platform, check out these beginner-friendly resources: