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Can I Preview an Offer While Creating It?

Yes! Whether you are creating a standard offer or creating a sweepstakes, there are two easy ways to see how your offer will look while you make it:

  1. Real-time "Preview" at the top of the page
  2. "Preview Offer Page" button at the top of the page

Real-Time Offer Preview 

As you enter your offer's primary information (like its image and heading), the Preview section in the upper right corner will update in real-time, as demonstrated in the GIF below.

This preview shows you the card format of your offer, which can be displayed on your Offers page, your home page, and across your website. Learn more about where you can display offer cards here.

"Preview Offer Page" Button at the Top

If you'd like to view your offer's landing page instead of its smaller card format, this is also easy to do! Simply scroll to the top of the Offer Detail page and click the button for "Preview Offer Page."

This will open a preview of your offer or sweepstakes in a new tab of your internet browser.

You can preview your offer's landing page as many times as you'd like while you create it. For a quick comparison, you can also refer to our article on the two types of offer landing pages available.