In This Article

What Is "Request Additional Feedback"?

Request Additional Feedback is an option available from Reviews > Review Incentives > Settings. By enabling this option, you'll be able to request a second review on an external review site immediately after a customer has submitted a review on your website.

Importantly, you'll be able to choose exactly who you request this second review from. You can:

  • Encourage happy customers to leave you another positive review on an external website, such as Houzz, Angie's List, or Facebook.
  • Make unhappy customers feel valued and heard by collecting their feedback and asking how you could improve.

Many clients use this feature to request an external review from their happiest customers, though you can set any review rating you prefer.

Example of How Review Feedback Works

To illustrate how this feature works, let's use an example of 5 stars.

In the screenshot below, note that the Request Additional Feedback option is enabled, and the selected review rating is 5 stars.

5-Star Review: External Review Request

When the settings above are in place and a customer leaves a review of 5 stars, the thank you page will display the second review request you've set up (as shown in the screenshot above). The thank you page will look something like the one below, presenting the second review request.


The customer will also receive an automated email displaying the same information and encouraging them to leave that second review.


We can easily change the third-party review site that is featured here (Angie's List in the example above). Please contact your Spectrum Client Manager or fill out a support ticket

Spectrum Client Managers may also view the internal resource here.

4 Stars or Less: Customer Feedback Form

When the settings above are in place and a customer leaves a review of less than 5 stars, they will not see the second review request. Instead, they will see a standard "Thank you!" message along with a form for additional feedback (as shown below).


This customer would also receive an automated email, but it would be the generic "Review Submitted" email template, as shown below.


For complete instructions on setting this review flow up, please view our article on automatically requesting an external review after an on-site review. (Link coming soon!)