In This Article

What Happens When a Website Visitor Fills Out an Offer Form?

Whenever a website visitor interacts with an offer or a sweepstakes on your website (by filling out the form), the leads will flow into your LISA admin so that you can track them and nurture the relationship.

See what happens when an offer lead comes in below.

Your Team Is Notified by Email or SMS

Who Gets Notified?

As soon as a website visitor fills out an offer form, automated email and/or SMS notifications will be sent to the company team members of your choice. These automated notifications are established under Settings > Notifications > Routing, where you can set a specific notification rule for Offers.

What Email Do They Receive?

In addition to changing who is notified, you can change the specific email template that is sent to the team member(s). The email templates themselves are created and managed under Settings > Notifications > Email Templates, but they're assigned on an offer-by-offer basis.

Customer Receives an Automated Email

Just like your staff will receive an automated email, the website visitor will also receive an automated email to confirm their form submission. Again, this email template is created and edited under Settings > Notifications > Email Templates, but each template is assigned on an offer-by-offer basis.

Lead Is Displayed in Activity Manager

Using the filters and search bar, all leads from offer forms can be viewed under Activity. From the main Activity page, click View All in the All Activity section to be taken to the Activity Manager. You can then click any lead to set an appointment, send a message, and more.