In This Article

Overview: Past Projects

The Past Projects section of the LISA admin allows you to manage the projects that appear on your Past Projects page. Projects are a fantastic way to build trust and credibility, as they give your website visitors a better idea of what you do and why they should choose you over another company. 

Your projects page will look similar to the one below, showcasing a selection of featured products, offering easy filtering for website visitors, and highlighting images and (if desired) customer reviews. Learn more about the Past Projects feature below.


How Do Past Projects Work?

In a nutshell, Past Projects work like this:

  • Your installers, sales reps, or other team members can submit a project from the frontend of your website. Project submissions can include all the necessary details: images, description, cost, and more.
  • You'll review submitted projects within the LISA admin, choosing which ones to publish and which ones to archive. You can also edit projects before publishing them.
  • Once you've published projects, they'll appear on your Past Projects page (/past-projects/). You can adjust the settings of this page—for example, showing the map view rather than the photo view by default. (Link coming soon!)  
  • You can customize the company email template that is automatically sent to your team whenever a past project has been submitted and is ready for review. 

Where Can Customers View Past Projects?

Customers can view all of your past projects by going to your website with the URL path /past-projects/. 


Ways to Customize This Page

There are several ways to customize the display of the Past Projects page:

Who Can Submit Projects?

Anyone! The past project submission page is accessible to anyone with the URL of /past-projects/add-job/. (The page does not have to be linked anywhere from your website, however, so you do not have to worry about customers or other website visitors accidentally clicking it.)

The Add Job form will look similar to the one below. 

Once a project has been submitted, it will not be published to your website until you choose to  publish the project.

Can I Choose Which Projects to Showcase?

Yes! By  marking a project as featured, it will appear in a special category at the top of your Past Projects page. You can feature as many products as you'd like and even re-order them to fit your sales focus.

How Can I Make the Most of Past Projects?

To make sure your Past Projects page is as impressive and compelling as possible, we recommend:

  • Encouraging your team to submit projects regularly
  • Training your team on how to take high-quality before-and-after photos
  • Including past projects as part of your final job completion checklist—even having your staff submit a project on site!
  • Attaching customer reviews to projects to build more credibility for website visitors and search engines