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How to Create a Company Email Template [General Instructions]

Company email templates allow you to customize the email notifications your team receives whenever a lead takes some kind of action on your website. You can set a different notification for different types of interactions, such as quote form submissions, job applications, and more.

To create a new company email template, follow the instructions below.

Please note that in addition to the email content itself, you can change who on your team gets notified

1. Go to Settings > Notifications > Email Templates

After logging into your LISA platform, go to Settings > Notifications > Email Templates.

Click into the tab for Company.

2. Add a New Template

Click the plus (+) button in the upper right corner to add a new company email template.

Note: Your LISA platform will come with common company email templates already created. Instead of creating a new company email template, you can always customize an existing one by clicking it.

3. Fill Out Your Template

On the Email Template page, fill out the details following the tips and guidelines below.


This is an internal-only name to help you organize your templates. It will appear on the main dashboard under Notifications > Email Templates.


This is the subject line of the email. Recipients will see this.


Use this text editor to add your email content, including text, imagery, hyperlinks, and more.

Email Template Type

Within the field for Email Template, select the type of interaction that will trigger this email notification to be sent.

It's important that your intended use matches your email template type. For example, the email that will be sent to your team when a review comes in should be marked as the "Reviews" type.

Add Elements to Email Design

The Add Additional Elements field allows you to add "dynamic fields" to your email content. As shown in the screenshot above, these fields are marked by hashtags and allow your LISA platform to automatically pull data saved elsewhere.

Learn more about dynamic elements here - link coming soon! 

Email Trigger Options & Notification Overrides 

The radio group for Email Trigger Options allows you to dictate when this email template is sent:

  • Manual - Default*: This email can only be sent manually through the Contact Manager.
  • Automatic - Default: This is the default email for this specific email template type—for example, the default email notification that is sent when a quote form is submitted.
  • Automatic - Custom*: By choosing automatic, you'll be able to set specific requirements for when this email is automatically sent. Learn more about using email conditions.

*For most types of company email templates (including Quotes, Offers, and Reviews), you can optionally set notification overrides for both Manual and Automatic emails. If this feature is available for your currently selected email template type, then you will see the following fields appear.

Note that entering any emails here will override the default notification setting for this type of email template. The . default notification for each type of lead interaction (e.g. quote forms, reviews, etc.) is set under Settings > Notifications > Email Templates.​

4. Preview Your Email Template

Before saving your email, click Preview to make sure it's looking how you wanted it to.

5. Save Your Changes

Once your email template is finalized, click Save to save your changes.

After you've created or edited a company email template, you may want to doublecheck who that email is going to. Follow these instructions to edit your email or SMS notification routing.