In This Article

How to Flow Offer Leads into Your CRM with Unique Sourcing

If your CRM is integrated with the LISA platform, all offer leads will flow into your CRM with a label of "PPC offer" or "organic offer." However, if you would like more detailed sourcing for specific offers, you can override the default label with a more specific source label. This is done on an offer-by-offer basis.

Don't have your CRM integrated yet? Learn which CRMs you can connect to LISA

1. Go to Your Offers Dashboard

After logging into your LISA platform, go to Website > Offers.

2. Click into an Existing Offer 

From the offers dashboard, choose an existing offer, or if you're creating a new one, click + New Offer in the upper right. (You can refer to our instructions on creating a new offer, too.

3. Add Your CRM Details

Regardless of whether you're creating a new offer or editing an existing offer, the spot for CRM flow will be the same. Click on the Integrations tab in the offer display.  

Here you will see all of the CRM integrations that you have established and can add the necessary form ID(s) to flow the leads. (These form IDs may be called something else depending on your CRM, and they will be generated directly within your CRM.)

Custom sourcing added in this manner will override the default sourcing for offers (set up by your Spectrum Client Manager). Instead of flowing into your CRM as a generic offer, leads from this specific offer will flow in with unique source details.

4. Save Your Changes

After you've added the CRM information, click Save to save your changes.

Curious what the other fields on this page do? Learn more about all of the options for editing an offer or a sweepstakes.

Did you know? If you're also a PSAI customer, then you can connect your LISA admin with your PSAI account, allowing your offer leads (and others!) to flow directly into your Com Portal. Ask your Spectrum Client Manager for assistance.

If you do not currently use PSAI's AI-based lead generation technology, you can learn more by contacting us at this support link or by opening the help widget in the bottom right corner of the screen.