In This Article

Offer Not Showing Up on Homepage


You've followed our instructions on displaying an offer on your website's homepage, but it is not showing up as expected.


There are several issues that could be causing an offer not to display on the homepage. Check the following issues to determine which solution is right for you.

Is the Offer Active?

Only offers that are currently active will be displayed on your homepage. Double-check that the offer is active by going to your Offers dashboard located at Website > Offers.

You can quickly check which offers are inactive by clicking into the Inactive tab.

If the offer is not currently active, simply turn the "Active" switch on.

Is the Offer Featured?

Double-check that the offer is marked as "featured." (Featuring an offer is what makes it display on the homepage.)

You can quickly check which offers are featured by clicking into the Featured tab.

If the offer is not featured, click the "Featured" star to enable.

Is the Offer Expired?

Any offer that has reached its expiration date will be automatically removed from display throughout your website. (Keep in mind that the expired offer will be replaced by whichever offer is marked as default.)

Double-check that the offer is not expired by looking for the "expired" tag on your Offers dashboard.

If the offer is expired, click into it to extend the expiration date. Then doublecheck that the offer is active and featured as described above.


If you have verified and addressed all of the issues above but your offer is still not displaying on the homepage, then please reach out to us for support. Our homepages are generally designed to accommodate 3-4 offer cards, so it's possible that a designer may need to customize your homepage to allow all of your featured offers to display.

Please fill out a support ticket at this link or by opening the Help widget in the bottom right corner of your screen.