In This Article

How to Customize a Lead Activity Report Email Template

The  lead reporting feature of the LISA admin comes with 12 default email templates that are set to send weekly (every Monday). However, you can customize the send interval and any other detail by following the instructions below.

1. Go to Reporting

Log into your LISA admin and go to Settings > Notifications > Email Templates. Then click into the Reporting tab. 

2. Click on a Template

From the dashboard, click on the edit icon for any of the 12 default email templates to open its settings. 

3. Make Your Edits

From here, you'll be able to edit each detail of this email template.

Email Template Name

Edit the template name, which only appears in the LISA admin for your organizational purposes. 


Change the subject line of the email sent to your team members.


Edit the body content by using the text editor shown below.

Important: Please do not remove the table or move the elements out of the table. The table is required for the reporting feature to function properly.

Email Template Type

The Email Template field controls the lead activity that can be displayed in the email template.

Send Interval Condition

From the dropdown menu, choose your preferred send interval: yearly, monthly, weekly, or daily.

Additional Conditions (Optional) 

In addition to the send interval condition (which is already populated), you can click Add Condition to create more specific sending rules. For example, on Quote Forms, you could add a condition of Product—making it such that this reporting email is only sent for quote submissions related to a specific product.

Conditions vary based on the email template type and offer complex ways of customizing your emails. Learn more here: Overview of Email Conditions

Email Overrides (Optional)

Enter emails here to override the reporting email addresses you set globally under Notifications > Routing. These settings are useful if you would like different reporting emails to go to different team members.

4. Save Your Changes

When you've made your desired edits, click Save.

Next Steps: Set Notification Rules

If you haven't already, you'll likely want to set the global notification rule for lead reporting.