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How to Customize the Review Incentive Email Template

Whenever a customer submits a review for which you've advertised a review incentive, the next step is to send that customer an email with the incentive code. To make this step quicker and easier, customize the review incentive email template by following the instructions below.

Not familiar with email templates? Start with our overview on email templates for reviews or email teamplates in general (link coming soon!). You can also learn more about review incentives here.

1. Go to Settings > Notifications > Email Templates

After logging into your LISA admin, navigate to Settings > Notifications > Email Templates.

2. Find the Review Incentive Template

Use the search bar to search for "Purchased Incentive Code." (This is the default template name, but if you've changed it, then search for your customized name instead.)

Once you've located the template, click on the edit icon to open the editor.

Did you know? You can create multiple email templates if you want to send different messages for different review incentives! In that case, click the + button in the upper right corner to create a new email template.

3. Make Your Edits

On the Email Template page, simply use the fields presented to edit the email template.

As shown in the screenshot above, you can edit the:

  • Name: This is the name of the email template and is only visible internally for organizational purposes.
  • Subject: This is the text that appears in the subject line of your email.
  • Body: This is the text that appears in the body of your email. Anything marked by two hashtags (such as #IncentiveCode#) refers to "dynamic information" that is automatically populated for you by the LISA admin. We'll explain further in the bulleted list just below.
  • Email Template Type: We recommend using the email template type of "Other" or "Reviews"

You can also adjust the following options.

Here's more information on these options:

  • Add Additional Elements: Use this section to add new elements that are automatically populated based on your settings in the LISA admin. These dynamic elements are an easy way to add things like your address, website URL, social media links, and so on—reducing how much you have to type and preventing manual error.
  • Email Trigger Options: Since you will be sending this email manually, keep "Manual." (The options here will vary depending on the email template you've selected.)

Important Note If You're Using Your Own Incentives

The default review incentive email template includes two dynamic elements: #IncentiveRedemptionInstructions# and #IncentiveCode#, as shown below.

If you are using incentives purchased through the LISA admin, then these elements will be automatically populated with the gift card redemption instructions and an active gift card code from your list. This greatly reduces the manual work of tracking and managing incentives.

However, if you are using your own incentives instead of ours, then these dynamic elements will not work as intended. You'll want to delete #IncentiveRedemptionInstructions# and #IncentiveCode# from your template.

4. Save Your Changes

Once you've made your changes to the review incentive email template, click the "Save" button at the top.

What's next? Now that your review incentive email template has been updated, you can send it to customers who have left you a review!