In This Article

How to Add or Edit Questions on the FAQ Page

It's easy to add, edit, or delete any question on your website's FAQ page. Simply follow the instructions below.

This article explains how to edit the questions listed on the FAQ page. If you would like to edit other page information—such as the page title, the paragraph text, or the image gallery—then follow these instructions instead.

1. Go to Website > FAQs

Log into your LISA platform and navigate to Website > FAQs.

2. Add a New Question

From the FAQ Page in the admin, you can add as many new questions as you'd like. There are two main ways to go about adding new questions:

  1. By adding a question to an existing group
  2. By creating a new question within a new group

To an Existing Group

All FAQ groups will be displayed on the Questions & Answers page of Website > FAQs. 

To add a new question to an existing group, click the pencil icon for the group to open all FAQs within that group.

 Within the group, click Add Question.

Then fill in the question and answer using the expanded detail section. Click Save at the top of the page to save it.

Use the simple editing bar at the top of the Answer field to add bold, italics, bullets, numbering, or a hyperlink to your answer text. You can also add a video or image to the FAQ answer.

To a New Group

To create a new question within a new group, first click + Add Group from the Question & Answer page to add a new group.

Then fill in the group name, question, and answer text in the new group display. Click Save to save your new group and question.

If you do not want to have separate groups on your FAQs page, then place all questions within the same group. By doing so, your FAQs page will show a single list of questions with no heading, as shown below.


3. Edit Any Question

If you'd like to edit an existing question rather than add a new one, simply click the pencil icon next to the question. (If you'd like to delete the question, click the trash can instead.)

Then make your desired edits in the modal shown below and click Save.

4. Repeat as Needed

Follow the instructions above to add or edit as many questions as you want. As soon as you save each question, it will be immediately reflected on the live FAQs page located at /faq/.