In This Article

Overview: What Are Review Incentives?

Review incentives are a way to encourage customers to leave a review for your company—either on your website or on a third-party review site like Angie's List or Facebook. Incentives help build your online reputation and show customers that you appreciate their feedback.


Through the LISA admin, you can easily purchase incentives, manage where your incentives are displayed, send incentives to customers, and more. Learn more about this helpful reputation management tool below.

Who Can Manage Review Incentives?

Review incentives are largely managed through the LISA admin section of Reviews > Review Incentives. To access this section, you must be a LISA platform user with the Administrator role.

How Do Review Incentives Work?

In a nutshell, review incentives work like this:

  1. You can purchase incentives for restaurant gift cards directly through the LISA admin. 
  2. You'll set up the incentive in the admin, choosing exactly when and where to advertise it. 
  3. Customers see the incentive on your website (or in an email you've sent) and decide to leave you a review.
  4. Once the review comes in, you send an email with the incentive code automatically populated for you and ready for the customer to claim.

What Kinds of Review Incentives Can I Offer?

You can incentivize on-site reviews, external reviews (on sites like Facebook), or both. You can also offer incentives by email without actually displaying them on your website.

Learn more here:

You can also display a thank you page and send an email to ask for an additional external review without offering any incentives at all! Learn how to automatically request an external review after an on-site review

Can I Use My Own Gift Cards or Other Incentives?

Yes! Even if you do not use our discounted gift cards, you can still use the LISA admin to manage your incentives. Learn more about using your own incentives here.

The company below, for example, uses an Amazon gift card that was purchased themselves but is featured on their website using the LISA admin's functionality.


Do I Have to Use Incentives?

No. Review incentives are completely optional.