In This Article

How to Create a New Survey

Surveys are a fantastic tool for gauging your customers' experience, learning how to improve your services, and making your customers feel heard. Through the LISA admin, it's simple to create and send as many surveys as you'd like.

To create a new survey in the LISA admin, follow the instructions below. 

If you'd like an overview of surveys and how they work, start with our beginner's guide to surveys!

1. Go to Surveys

After logging into your LISA platform, navigate to Reviews > Surveys.

Note that only Administrators will be able to access this section of the admin. Learn more about the LISA admin roles here.

2. Click "+ Add Survey"

From the Surveys dashboard, click the button for + Add Survey.

3. Customize Your Survey Details

On the Add Survey page, all of the steps to completion are listed at the top, so you'll know exactly where you are in the process at any given time. These steps include:

  1. Survey Questions - link coming soon!
  2. Survey Messaging - link coming soon!
  3. Survey Settings - link coming soon!

On the Survey Questions page, you'll be able to select a survey template, add a title and description, ​add new survey questions and answers, and decide whether you want to utilize aggregate rating questions.

On the Survey Messaging page, you can enter the message that appears on the survey thank you page as well as the email message sent to the customer. 

On the final page for Survey Settings, you can add a label, put the survey in test or active mode, set an expiration date, and more.  

4. Save Your Survey

On the Survey Settings page, click the Save button to complete the survey creation process.

After you've saved your survey, it will appear on your Surveys dashboard. If you've set the survey to active, you can start sending it to customers right away; if it's test mode, you can have your team test it before sending it out through the LISA admin.

Learn more about the next steps in these related articles: