In This Article

How to Create an Offer

From financing to referral bonuses, offers are a terrific way to grab your website visitors' attention and entice them to take the next step with your company. Follow the steps below to create a new offer in your LISA admin.

1. Go to Offers

Log into your LISA platform and navigate to the Offers page.

If you're in the role of Admin or User, this page will be accessed under Website > Offers.

If you aren't one of the above three roles (Admin, User, or Content Manager), then you will not be able to access the Offers section. Speak with your LISA platform administrator to get the right user permissions.

2. Click the "+ New Offer"

From the Offers dashboard, click the + New Offer button located in the upper right corner of the screen.

3. Fill in Your Offer Details

On the Offer Detail page, you'll be able to enter all of the details associated with your offer's content, landing page, thank you page, features, and more.

For more guidance on what to enter in each field of the Offer Detail page, please check out our in-depth article explaining your options for editing an offer.

4. Save Your Changes

Once you've added all of the information for your offer, click "Save" at the top to save your changes.

What's next? Once you've clicked "Save," you can go back to the main Offers dashboard and see your new offer listed there. Assuming that this is a current offer (not a scheduled offer), the page will go live immediately and the offer card will be displayed on your website in the various spots you've chosen.