In This Article

Overview of Content Manager Role

The Content Manager role is one of five LISA admin user roles. This role is focused on the permissions required to edit your website, including individual site pages, blog posts, and offers. Learn more about this role below.

Content Manager's Dashboard View

Content Managers have limited access to the LISA admin, with a dashboard like the one below. 

Want to grant content management permissions to a team member? Learn how to add a new LISA admin user or how to edit a user's role.

What Can Content Managers Do in the LISA Admin?

The Content Manager role allows an admin user to manage the pages, blog posts, and offers that appear on your website. 

Through the Website section featured above, a Content Manager can:

The Content Manager role is unique in that it's the only role that can edit website pages. The Admin role can manage blogs and offers but cannot edit site pages.

Combining the Content Manager Role with Other Roles

To give you flexibility in how you use the LISA admin, it is possible to combine LISA admin user roles. Because the Content Manager role is the only one that can edit site pages, it's frequently combined with the Admin role, as shown below.

By combining these two roles, the Admin user will have access to site pages (Website > Pages) along with all of the other features they already have access to—such as offers, exit intent, and FAQs.

More Resources for Content Managers

Learn more about the various actions that Content Managers can take in these related resources: