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Overview: Customer and Company Email Templates for Reviews

Through the LISA admin, you can create a variety of email templates for both customers and your company. To help you gather, incentivize, and manage customer reviews, learn more about the different review-specific email templates you can create below.

Customer-Facing Email Templates

Your customer email templates are located in the "Customers" tab of Settings > Notifications > Email Templates

When it comes to reviews, the most helpful customer email templates include those used to:

  • Request a review by email
  • Say thank you after a customer has submitted a review
  • Advertise or provide incentives

Learn more about each one below.

Email Templates to Request a Review

You can create an email template to send to customers whenever you request a review by email through the LISA platform. This email can be fully customized by you and might look something like the screenshot below.


Learn more in these resources:

Email Templates to Say Thank You for Submitting a Review

In addition to the manual review request, you can create an email template that's automatically sent to any customer who leaves a review on your website. Again, this can be fully customized by you and might look something like the one below.


Advanced Tip: Multiple Thank You Emails Based on Review

To make your thank you emails even more effective, consider segmenting them according to how satisfied (or not) the customer is.

By creating multiple email templates and assigning specific rules to each one, you can automatically send different emails to different customers based on their review rating. For example:

  • A 1-star review could receive an email with a survey link and an offer to speak with a representative about their concerns.
  • A 5-star review could receive an email encouraging a friend/family referral or a third-party review—making the most of this customer's delight!

Learn how to send different customer email templates according to each review's number of stars.

Email Templates to Advertise or Provide Review Incentives

Another use for customer email templates has to do with review incentives. You can customize any review email template to include information promoting your incentives, and you can also customize the email sent to a customer to provide the incentive code.


Learn more in these related resources:

Company-Only Email Templates

Your company email templates are located in the "Company" tab of Settings > Notifications > Email Templates.

For reviews, company email templates center on one thing: notifying your staff of a new review.

To Notify Your Team of a Review

You can create one or more email templates to automatically notify your team whenever a review comes in. The notification email can be completely customized by you but might look something like the one below.


Similar to the customer-facing "review thank you" email templates, you can choose how segmented your review email notifications are:

Learn more in these related resources:​