In This Article

Overview: Survey Aggregates

In addition to utilizing surveys to improve your products and services, you can also feature the results on your website! Displaying customer feedback provides a double benefit of showing customers that you care and demonstrating how highly rated you are on a number of key value points.

To collect these aggregated survey results, you'll take advantage of the LISA admin feature called survey aggregates

What Are Survey Aggregates?

Survey aggregates are used to create a visual display of your survey results, summarized into overarching categories such as "value" or "customer service." They are called "aggregates" because they are calculated based on an average of all survey responses.

From the frontend of your website, survey aggregates look similar to the ones below.


How Do Aggregates Work?

You'll first create aggregates or customize existing aggregates, and then you'll be able to use them on a survey-by-survey basis. You can display your survey aggregates on your website, and as survey responses come in, the graphic will update in real time.

Where Do I Manage Aggregates?

You'll manage your survey aggregates under Reviews > Surveys in the LISA admin, then clicking on the Aggregates link at the top of the display. 

From the Survey Aggregates page, you can:

Once you've set up your preferred aggregates here, you'll simply add the questions whenever you create a new survey.

Who Can Manage Survey Aggregates?

Only LISA users with the "Administrator" role can create, edit, or delete survey aggregates. Other types of LISA admin users can access surveys, but not aggregates.

How Do I Display Survey Aggregates?

You can display the aggregate results in multiple places by clicking on the Embed link and copying the aggregate code.