In This Article

Overview: Warranty Claims

The LISA admin gives your customers a simple way to submit warranty claims and your team an easy way to track all new claim submissions. Learn more about the Warranty Claims feature below.

Do I Have to Set up the Warranty Claim Page?

No, this is available by default with your LISA admin. You do not need to set anything up.

Where Do Customers Submit Warranty Claims?

Customers can submit warranty claims at the URL /warranty-claims/. This page presents a simple form, similar to the one shown below.

Here, customers can submit their warranty claim details, including image attachments of the relevant claim. Customers may also opt to send a video through Visual Quoter.


What Happens When a Claim Is Submitted?

When a customer fills out your claim form, the following will occur:

  • The customer will receive an automated email notification to confirm their form submission. You can customize this customer email under Settings > Notifications > Email Templates.
  • Your team will receive an automated email and/or SMS notifying you of the new claim submission. You can customize this company email under Settings > Notifications > Email Templates and adjust who receives these notifications under Settings > Notifications > Routing.
  • The claim will flow into your LISA admin's Warranty Claims dashboard, which is shown just below.

Where Do I Review Submitted Claims?

You can review all warranty claims under Activity > Claims

This will bring you to your claims dashboard, as shown below. 

Click the edit (pencil) icon on any claim to view its details and add internal notes to the claim, if desired.

To save the notes added to the claim, click on the Save button at the top.