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How to Edit the Job Application Notification Email (Sent to Your Team)

Whenever a website visitor submits a job application, the LISA admin will automatically notify your team by email. To create a new email template for this purpose (or to edit the content of the existing/default email template), follow the instructions below. 

1. Go to Settings > Notifications > Email Templates

After logging into your LISA platform, navigate to Settings > Notifications > Email Templates.

2. Go to the Company Tab

Click into the Company tab.

3. Find the Career Template

Find the existing Career template named Job Application Received by using the filter or searching manually. Then click on the edit icon for the template to open it.

4. Make Your Edits to the Template

On the Career template, use the fields and text editor to make your desired customizations. 

As shown above, you can make standard edits to your email content, including:

  • The name of the template
  • The subject line
  • The body text

Additional (and more advanced) edits include those described below.

Dynamic Fields

You can also use the Add Additional Elements field (shown below) to insert dynamic information related to this job application or to your company settings in general. 

For instance, one dynamic field option is #Source#, which will insert the source of the job applicant into the email for easy differentiation between organic and PPC. 

Email Trigger Options

Email trigger options allow you to set specific rules or "conditions" that determine when an email is automatically sent. With the Career email specifically, you can set a condition so that this email template is only sent when a specific type of job application is submitted by selecting the Automatic - Custom option.

For example, if you choose "siding installer" as shown below, this email would only be sent to your team when someone applies to be a siding installer. (You could then create separate emails with rules for the other types of careers. Any applications without a dedicated rule would trigger the "automatic - email default" template.)

Fields Not to Change

To make sure that your email template functions properly (and is sent automatically to your team whenever a job applicant applies), please do not adjust the Email Template Type. This should remain set to Career.

5. Save Your Changes

Once you've made your edits, click Save to save your changes.

Did you know? In addition to the company-facing email template, you can edit the automated email template that is sent to every job applicant who applies through the LISA platform. Learn how here

You can also change who on your team receives this job application notification email by changing your notification routing.