In This Article

Overview: Your Reviews Dashboard

The Reviews feature in the LISA admin is located under Reviews in the left-side menu.

By navigating here, you'll be brought to a display that lets you manage and control:

For a broad overview of this feature, check out our beginners' guide to reviews in the LISA platform.

Learn more about this page and the actions you can take below.

1. Review On-Site Reviews

All new reviews will enter your LISA admin and be placed in the New tab of On-Site Reviews. From here, you can see a quick overview of all pending reviews and take any of the further actions described below.

In addition to being added to this list, a new review will also trigger an automated email or SMS notification to your team. Learn how to change who gets notified here.

2. Publish or Archive=

From the dashboard, you can publish or archive reviews by clicking the relevant button.

Learn about these actions in the following resources:

3. Filter by Employee or Star Rating

At the top of the New reviews page, you can filter reviews by a specific employee to get a quick view of a particular employee's performance. You can also filter by star rating.

Wondering how specific employees can be reviewed? Learn more about adding an employee as a "team member" for review purposes.

4. Click Into Any Review for More Details

From the list on the New reviews page, you can click on any individual review to see more details.

From the Review Details page, you can:

Not sure whether to reply to a review or not? Find out more in our best practices guide. (Link coming soon!)