In This Article

How to Search Your Company's Blog

All blog posts uploaded/published through the LISA admin can be searched by website visitors. To search your company's blog posts, follow the instructions below.

1. Navigate to Your Blog Page

Go to your company's blog page through the navigation menu or by simply adding /blog/ to the end of your main URL.


2. Use the Search Bar 

On your blog page, type your search term into the search bar at the upper right. Then hit enter on your keyboard or click the magnifying glass button to complete the search.


The search feature will search the blog post titles as well as the brief snippets that appear beneath the title on the blog roll page (at /blog/). 

3. Combine with Filters, If You Want

To narrow down your search results even further, you can combine the search bar with the blog filters located at the lower right.

Simply click into your preferred tab: Recent, Categories, or Archives.


Once you've selected a tab, click one of the options in the tab to immediately apply that filter. (In the example below, we're filtering for blog posts in the category of "Countertops," which is the only category this company utilizes.)


Then go back to the search bar and hit enter or click the magnifying glass to re-run the search with the current filter in place.

Want to learn more about blogging capabilities and best practices? Check out the following resources:

  • Overview: Blogging Through the LISA Platform - link coming soon!
  • How to Publish a Blog Post - link coming soon!
  • Best Practices for Using Your Blog to Convert Website Visitors - link coming soon!